We are quality-oriented organization and our permanent concentration is to provide world class Indian Spices to our clients. The offered range is processed using premium quality seeds and basic ingredients. Furthermore, under our quality management system, we have devised different quality objectives and related strategies that are strictly followed in all our endeavors. We use high quality basic ingredients in the processing of our products that are sourced from the certified vendors of the industry. In addition, our quality analysts thoroughly check each and every product to ensure its quality.


  • To ensure that all our products and services sourced are ethically produced
  • To ensure sustainability with comprehensive multi-pronged approach to sourcing and processing
  • To encourage standardization of cultivation by making it one of our core policy
  • To enable consistent and quality yield with R&D program with farmer training
  • To innovate to meet the changing trends and demand of the global market
  • Values

  • Leadership
  • We believe leadership comes from the ability to think new and act with total dedication. We encourage ideas that can be translated to winning solutions.

  • Commitment
  • We are committed to all our stakeholders. We are one of the few companies that has distinguished itself by its commitment and respect for the growers and distillers. We include them as stakeholders in working as a team to ensure the cultivation of a standard product, capable of matching and serving the expectations of various buyers in the International Market.

  • Excellence
  • Our quest for excellence is what has kept us a preferred company international. Right from sourcing, research, processing, we are guided by the principle of excellence.

  • Social Responsibility
  • We fulfil our social responsibilities by providing the best resources to the farmers and encouraging them to be environmentally responsible.