Botanical Name  Mangifera Indica
 Extraction Method  Pulping
 Plant Part Used  Fruit
 Appearance  Golden Yellow
 ODOUR  Fruity

Alphonso mangoes (Mangifera Indica) are oval in shape and about 4 to 6 inches long. The skin of the ripe fruit is golden yellow in color, but is inedible. There is a central large seed surrounded by the pulp which ranges from a rich to a golden yellow and is widely considered to be the tastiest fruit in India. The mango has a warm sweet taste which is sometimes pleasantly tart. This fruit is also known as ‘King of Mangoes’ and ha rich aromatic flavour. It is an excellent source of Vitamin A and C.

Alphonso mangoes (Mangifera Indica)

India grows the finest mangoes in the world Although more than a thousand varieties exist, only around 20 varieties are grown on commercial scale and Alphonso is the supreme & best variety in India. Mango grows on spreading short trunked trees that have thick dark green leaves. The fruits hang from the branches either singly or in branches. The product mango pulp is obtained by the commercial processing of sound, ripened Alphonso mangoes. The final pulp possessing the characteristic flavour and colour is obtained by passing through 0.7mm sieve.

Essentially a prime table fruit, mango pulp is perfectly suited for conversion to juices, nectars, drinks, jams, fruit cheese or to be had by itself or with cream as a superb dessert. It can also be used in Puddings, bakery fillings, Fruit meals for children, flavours for food industry and also be make the most delicious ice-cream and yoghurt.


Packaging details:

Tin : 850 grams
