Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is the cold pressed oil extracted using Coconut Milk. This process involves Centrifugal Method to extract oil which is superion is superior in quality. This is the purest form oil coconut oil. 

The appearance is clear in colour when in liquid state and solidifies at lower temperature to form snow white solidification.

Oil can be used in cooking or consumed orally. this also goes to skin care, hair cre etc.


Uses of Extra Virgin Coconut Oil :

  • Equivalanto mother's milk in terms of nutrition
  • High in Lauric Acid
  • Moisturizes and nourishes skin
  • Increases immunity
  • Helps in lowering bad Cholesterol
  • Helps in weight loss
  • Nourishes hair
  • Increases metabolism
  • Controls acidity, diabetes and obesity
  • It is anti viral, anti fungal and antibacterial

Nutritional Facts

  • Saturated Fat (Lauric acid 50%)     94%
  • Vitamin E                                         6.6mg/100ml
  • Monusaturated fats                         5%
  • Polyunsaturated fats                       1%
  • Moisture                                          0.05%
  • Cholestorol                                      0%
